
CSC3050 Project 1 MIPS Assembler & Simulator

This project implements a MIPS assembler and simulator in a single simulator.cpp file. The assembler and the simulator are designed separately so that each of them is supposed to work independently.

Code: https://github.com/doutv/MIPS-Assembler-Simulator



Nested class


class Assembler
    inline static vector<string> data_seg;
    inline static vector<string> text_seg;
    inline static vector<string> output;
    class Scanner
      Assembler &assembler;
    class Parser
      Assembler &assembler;

Hash table mapping machine code to function pointer


Hash table unordered_map<string, function<void(const string &)>> can replace numerous conditional statements (if else if).
In its generating function gen_opcode_to_func , std::bind should be used to locate the function pointer of the current Simulator instance. e.g.

// in void Simulator::gen_opcode_to_func(unordered_map<string, function<void(const string &)>> &m)
m.emplace("000100", bind(&Simulator::instr_beq, this, placeholders::_1));

Thus, the code is much more neater when calling the corresponding function.

// in void Simulator::exec_instr(const string &mc)
if (opcode == R_opcode[0] || opcode == R_opcode[1])
    // R instructions
    string funct = mc.substr(mc.size() - 6, 6);
    auto it = opcode_funct_to_func.find(opcode + funct);
    if (it == opcode_funct_to_func.end())
        signal_exception("function not found!");

Throw exception instead of exit


exit() will not go back through the call stack up to main cleaning everything up.
I define istream and ostream in main() function, if I call exit() during the program,
the streams cannot destruct properly, thus no output to files.

static void signal_exception(const string &err)
    throw invalid_argument(err);
// in main()
    if it should exit
catch (const exception &e)
    cerr << e.what() << endl;

Test multiple cases with makefile


PROM = simulator
TEST_DIR = ./test
ASM_TESTS = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a-plus-b fib memcpy-hello-world
SIM_TESTS = a-plus-b fib memcpy-hello-world

.PHONY: all clean

all: $(PROM) asm_test sim_test
    @echo "All tests passed!"

$(PROM): $(PROM).cpp
    g++ $(PROM).cpp -o $(PROM) -std=c++17

    rm $(PROM)
    rm $(TEST_DIR)/*.tasmout
    rm $(TEST_DIR)/*.out

asm_test: $(PROM)
    for t in $(ASM_TESTS); do \
        ./$(PROM) $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.asm $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.tasmout 2>&1; \
        diff -q $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.asmout $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.tasmout > /dev/null || \
        echo "Test $$t failed"; \
    echo -e "All assembler tests passed!\n"

sim_test: $(PROM)
    for t in $(SIM_TESTS); do \
        ./$(PROM) $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.asm $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.in $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.out 2>&1; \
        diff -q $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.out $(TEST_DIR)/$$t.simout > /dev/null || \
        echo "Test $$t failed"; \
    echo -e "All simulator tests passed!\n"


  • Use fixed width integer types such as int32_t instead of int.
  • Get the maximum possible number of a data type, e.g. the maximum number for int16_t is numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()
  • Conversion between binary string std::string and integer int32_t
    • int to binary string: bitset<str_length>(int32_t_number).to_string()
    • binary string to int: stoi(str,nullptr,base=2)
  • Detect overflow by __builtin_add_overflow , __builtin_sub_overflow , __builtin_mul_overflow.
  • inline static Declare and initialize static member variables together in class.
    • https://www.zhihu.com/question/375445099
    • 在 C++17 加入了内联静态成员变量,只要在声明成员变量时, 在static前加入 inline,就能顺便定义了它,还可初始化它,这就不用在类外定义了。
  • static const Declare and initialize constant member variables in class.
  • #define , #ifdef , #endif Use C preprocessor to help debug.
  • Conversion between std::string and std::array
    • std::string -> std::array<char,size>
    • copy
    • word_t word;
      string word_str = bitset<word_size>(get_regv(rt)).to_string();
      copy(word_str.begin(), word_str.end(), word.data());
    • std::array<char,size> -> std::string
    • std::string constructor
    • word_t word = get_word_from_memory(addr);
      string word_str(&word[0], word_size);